Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The small things.

Mighty Men gave me some perspectives.
I need to make some changes.
It's not about living life not knowing where you're going but setting out paths to maybe bring you in for a higher purpose.
Let yourself be open to chance and open up for opportunities.
I guess i've been over doing it till the point where i procrastinate, i don't do what i love anymore and i'm not loving the life i'm living everyday, everything is so mundane and ordinary.
It's hard defining your own self.
It's hard to know where you are going.
I want to live an extraordinary life.

There's so many goals for me to achieve but there's only one life for me to live.
To experience, to love, to care.

  1. Be faithful and honour God.
  2. Exercise
  3. Piano
  4. Make videos that can make a change, make short films.
  5. Learn new things, get internships and experience for my career.
I think I've set out these goals cause it's my main, main priority.
To become the person you want to be, is by changing yourself first before you can change others.
You are not the one responsible to change or to give anything to anyone if you don't have your foundations right or if you don't even know how to handle yourself.

There are things that I must sort out for myself first.
My lifestyle.
My work ethics.
My personality and attitude.
My relationship with God.

Seems like a lot but i think it sets me out some goals to achieve.
Be the person you want your daughters to look up to.
Be the person you would treat anyone like it's your family.
Take in the perspective of others to become that person you want to become.

I know this post is a little bit biased and really positive and full on optimistic.
But i guess is these kind of things that drives us to be better each day.
You do not want to wake up in the morning not wanting to have a nice day.
Even though you die, you die living, knowing that you lived a happy life.

There are mistakes that i've done,
made some decisions that are wrong,
bad experiences and just difficult encounters,
but I think if you ask, pray and just have faith that no matter what happens,
a breakthrough will come. God will answer to all your problems.
We come to deny, avoid and just stay in our comfort zone and not sorting out the burdens we have,
but if we place our focus to surrender and ask God for guidance,
you will soon understand that the faith you have will increase your confidence and self-esteem.

I really want to go back to the Lord of The Rings world again.
I really want to watch the 3 movies again.
I want to be crazy over again.
I want to have this marathon again.
Since my birthday until now, i haven't watch it yet.
I've been listening to the soundtrack over and over again these few weeks.
It really calms me down and just makes my day so relaxing and just lets my burden goes away.
Thank you Lord for Howard Shore who creates such beautiful music. It's all Your wonders.
especially Lord of The Rings. Thank You for that. A fantasy that I've grown to love and love even till now. Thank you bro for showing me that day in our old house.
Can't wait for the last Lord of The Rings concert!

Few updates on myself!
I've got myself an internship position in JWT.
I hope it all works out fine.
I'm currently learning a song on the piano!
I hope i can learn more than just a song in the future.
I'm currently doing little push-ups and sit-ups every morning and stretches as well, it does feel good!
I hope i can be fit by next year.

I'm still procrastinating a lot!
I'm still not reading my bible.
I'm still not making short films like I should.
I'm still not reading the books that I bought especially The Hobbit!
I'm still not saving up money when I should not spent so much on a daily basis.

I promise that I will change myself to be better.
To be a better person, so that in future, i want to say that I'm proud of who i become.
I promise to have a better relationship with God.
I promise to be healthy.
To be successful.
These are the life goals that I want to achieve.
Cause somehow or rather I just have this crazy idea that I want to change the world.
But first, I need to change myself and then take it from there.
Even the smallest things can create value.
Sometimes big things doesn't mean you are successful.
But the small things is what really matters.

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