Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug

Coming into this movie, you can ask Wilson about it. I was really being an ass to him. Asking him about the best cinema, best seats, best everything. Everything must be in order to watch this film. I was so particular about it. I was joking with him actually knowing that I'm fine with anything as long as its comfortable. The one thing that bothers me little is the 24fps or 48fps. I was just deciding which one should I go for. Well the answer for that is 48fps because it's what Peter Jackson want us to see in. So we should go for that.

After work, I wasn't thinking about anything else but The Hobbit. I was so eager about it ever since I don't know when. I'm just excited about it. It's because you won't get this Middle Earth movies again. These would probably be the last time since it's these are the only books that they are able to buy the rights to. Who wouldn't right? I even brought the ring that I've made to the cinema to be in the mood. After work, I sent Su Ann back to her place because her mother is having check-ups and she would be late to fetch her and that day we finished our work before 7? The movie is at 9 45! Traffic jam along the way and then reach home, got myself ready, and Wilson was downstairs already. You can sense the urgency of how we really REALLY want to watch this film. It's The Hobbit, obviously.

Anyway, I was shocked. It was quite complicated how Wilson booked the tickets. It was here then later it was there. Ah, I told him I leave everything to him. He told me it was booked at the other place with 24fps one. I was quite disappointed at first but oh well, he shocked me saying that we got the 48fps one at 1 Utama which is one of the best cinemas in town. You should see me, I was hyper all the way, being myself and just talking crap with each other. Dissing people, creating our accents and just being cool with everything. It was a great time with my cousin even before starting. Sad that he had to leave for Taiwan next week. Did I mention? We had CHILLI PAN MEE for dinner! That's pure awesome dish! The best one in town in SS2! Back here, got ourselves popcorns and coke and getting ready to watch the movie.

Spoiler Alert? If there is one! (Ye Be Warned)
The movie was awesome to be in so many ways. One, it gets you into Middle Earth again. It was a nice feeling when you're able to go in again. Starting was a little shock for me. But it was alright. Not much of a complain but it wasn't strong I feel. Like you could have put it in the first movie and make the first movie even more interesting. Unexpected Journey has pacing issues and thats the main problem with the movie and you can see the improvement with Desolation of Smaug! More actions, it's more on with everything. Story lines are getting more and more complicated, you can see the characters are developing and the tense it has created to proceed to the Battle of the 5 Armies. That would be interesting to see in the third movie. 

Smaug is amazing! Voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch. Loving more and more now. After seeing him in Star Trek: Into Darkness, his voice as Smaug is so so good. The dragon is taunting, scary, smart and sleeky. I think the dragon is somewhat the best creature ever since Gollum. You have Gollum in the first movie and now you have Smaug in the second movie. What an accomplishment really. You see Bilbo being more of the burglar now than just introducing characters that have already established in the first movie. Everything is seen moving now with more urgency. I really love Gandalf, you see more of him, what he can do and just his quest to find out what happening in Dol Guldur. Radagast wasn't being silly anymore. Love the character Thorin and where the character is going now. You can see the little little things that is going to happen. Bilbo with the Ring. You can see the importance of the Ring in this movie like it plays a part to show the connection to the Lord of The Rings.

In LakeTown, that's another interesting place with characters like Bard the Bowman and the Master of LakeTown. Beorn is also in the movie and that's good. Should see him fighting that would be great! But I guess you'll see more when the Extended edition comes out. I'm not sure about reviewing. Don't really know how to review a movie though but what I can say is that this movie is so far what I've expected the Hobbit to be. Definitely better than Unexpected Journey because of the story is going, the characters and the sense of urgency! Especially Smaug kills it in this movie! Bilbo, Gandalf and the company of the dwarves are all playing their part. The scenes that I like the most are When Gandalf is in Dol Guldur, the barrels scene and scenes with the dragons, all these are really awesome!

The cliff hanger at the end, awesome! Keeps you up for the next one. I just can't wait for the next one really. Like for the Lord of The Rings, you don't really need a cliff hanger because of the weight of the story but for this the Hobbit, the cliff hangers are more emphasised really. Like for Unexpected Journey, when they show a glimpse of the dragon, it was really exciting and I can't wait for the next film and after year, time past by so fast, now i'm here watching Desolation of Smaug and I can't wait for the third and final film, There and Back Again. Well, so many things to look forward to. Just can't wait for next year.

Well, next year is going to be my graduation. I don't think i'll be back to watch with my cousin. That's the most upsetting part really. We are going to break the tradition :( But anyway, that's for next year. more things to come, more things to be missed. It's all how you deal with it I guess. After the movie is finished, I was taking long breaths and just sinking in what I've just watched. It all changed after that like I'm in that world and I couldn't get out. I was speechless and was just thinking about the movie the whole day until today! Not so much but just after that night.

Anyway, it was an amazing film. Urged everyone to go see it. Just love the feeling how you're able to go into Middle Earth again. So going to buy the extended edition and could not wait for more things to come. The trailer, the poster, the music and just DECEMBER 2014! Credits to Peter Jackson for making this come true! There and Back Again will be epic.

Monday, December 16, 2013


First week
It was really nervous going into the first day. I didn't know what is it going to be. It would be my first time working in a big big company. Something that i've always wanted to be a part of, an advertising agency. I've been thinking you know, what if next time my future sets here in an advertising agency. I don't really know what position i will be taking but just advertising.

I'm part of as a copywriter. That's going to count for something. Honestly, I don't know what a copywriter does. How the company works, what people are there, what positions are there, anything about the real world I just don't understand. It's like a whole new beginning. It's like studying again but you're applying it to work. I don't think what I study does apply to the work I am doing right now. It's so so different. Yes, in university you study about the concepts, the theories, the way how the media works, the arguments on content and production of content, almost everything. But then, when I came in the first few days, it's not like what you expected, seriously. It's about generating ideas, that's what they want from you.

Maybe it's different for each company and how they approach to advertising. But when I come in for the first few days, it's all about the ideas and you have to really REALLY good in generating ideas constantly. First day, bored. Nothing much there is for me to do. Family and the internet told me to go forward and ask, ask for jobs, do anything they ask, read books about it or just be proactive. But, first day, I can't really do it. I'm just held back by the fact that i'm actually working. So, I just sit there and try to do nothing even though in my heart i'm filled with desires to do work.

At first, in my heart, I wanted to be a part of something great. Something extraordinary. I want to do this, do that and just get involved in every single thing but I tell you, it's really hard. First day, got introduced to the team, went to Anthea, one of the copywriters in the company for work and ask me to think about some activities that a kid and a mum would do at a park with balloons. And from there, i've been thinking about it the whole day. Before that I was just trying to do my own research on the company's client but that didn't work out. Well, after that's all being done, i've got to do some administrations stuff, get the key to enter the building, got the documents that I need to get and everything else sorted out. Well, that's all I had to do for the first day. Nothing major, nothing big, just an introduction.

Going back I tell you, i felt so so exhausted. I just lay down on my couch for the whole night till the next day. I don't even have the energy to go for the next day but i pushed on. It was so hard for me. Imagine university, well, you can't compare to working life. University you get so much flexibility with the hours, you can even choose the best time if you're lucky. Work, it's Monday to Friday 9-6 every single day. Sometimes you work overtime, sometimes you even have to work during the weekends. Oh, I almost forgot, first day, I woke up so early thinking that the working hours is at 9, reach there at 8 30 and no one was there until 11! I'm saying that this working lifestyle change so much like it's a culture shock. Now I wonder why they say work is so much different. You have so many more things that you need to do, commitments rise and ah, I don't want to get into it. It's so massive the way how it transits from university to work. Step by step we go through life and this is one of the transitional phase of life.

Second day, third day. I get to design stuff for shell. First time I got the job, I was saying to myself I don't study design, I don't draw and no, this is another way of generating ideas. This has got to be the time that i've drawn the most. The ideas are not flowing and my drawing isn't the best so that job I got wasn't good but it's okay, at least I know how it works. These are some of the things that they would throw at you. It's a good experience. Another job is that I have to travel to deliver some documents to other companies. Like a post office guy! Well other than that, there's nothing much. Just staring at my computer screen the whole day and finding work to do. That's all.

Coming into the fourth and fifth, I'm already dreading myself to come to work. I don't know what I'm feeling. So many things that just baffles my mind. So many things i'm into question. The lifestyle that i'm coming into after staying in Melbourne for so long. So many things that I've to get used to. Working life, the life here in Malaysia, living with my mum, my own space and time, my freedom, my future and career, just so many things that I need to question. Sometimes coming back from work, I'm just so frustrated and exhausted with myself and work. I can't be happy because of the stress and the pressure that I'm putting myself into. My mum just would not understand and I don't blame her. I've been living with myself for so long, I don't know how is it like to live with someone else. That's another phase that I need to learn too. My mum sends me to work everyday. I can't drive and no, I can't stay out late even 12 is the latest for me. I'm forbidden to go out during the night especially mamak. Coming back, everyone is scared about safety and security. To be cautious about the things that happens at night, robbery and murder. It just adds another stress and worry to myself when i'm back. You don't have to worry about things like this back in Melbourne. It's new to me again.

I've never spend so much time with my family before. Been following my mum everywhere she goes, listening to every thing that she says, trying to be there for her every single day, go to places that she wants to go, letting her have control of the TV even though she doesn't watch it. As though she's my girlfriend. Saturday was family day that day and it was nice to see my cousins and everybody else. This is what I come back for, the reunion of the family, the gathering of adults and children of all the cousin. This is what I focus my holiday to be with. Nothing else. I really need an answer or just to be communicate my relationship with God. That Sunday was powerful, the message was strong and it really hit me even though there's so much difference in the atmosphere in the church comparing it to the church in Melbourne. That's all for the weekend really. Bought a lot of DVD's and just needed to watch lots and lots of movies this holiday!

Second week
Yes, passed first week now onto the second. Feeling dreadful again like I can't wake up to work but I can sleep through the weekend and wake up around the same time feeling fresher. Anyway, second week, more things to do but not more things like it would keep you busy the whole week and got no room left to do other things. More interesting things to do I can say.

Nestle Crunch Wafer is the biggie that I needed to do this week. First I got the TVC, that means the television ad that haven't got edited or put any soundtracks in. They asked me to think of something to write for the radio ad following the TVC. So was working closely with Anthea on it and came out with the script, got it done on Friday. Another was the Line campaign, this is really interesting because you get to know about what kind of ideas you have to campaign the whole thing. So we have to come up with something like a larger picture of everything and under it we implement the marketing plans. That's pretty interesting but my idea was unclear and it was just bad. But it's a good experience. I have to really learn how to suck it up and take it and try it again with a better idea! I really want to improve and I don't see a place or a person to help me or to guide to improve. One thing is that everyone in the office is so busy that they got not time for me really. I just want to do work and improve myself in things but I don't see the chance YET. Maybe in January after the New Year.

Weekends was boring. I was thinking of hanging out with friends . Do something or go out and just have fun because hey, coming back from Melbourne and no fun? It's not right. Just work and work and being so tired and all, I just want to get out and enjoy. Turns out everyone is busy and can't find someone to hang out with. The worst is when i'm not free then there's someone to call. Oh well, wrong timing at a wrong place sometimes. Oh did I mention?


I got to watch it on Thursday! That was fun. I tell you, being with my cousin, Wilson, I get to be myself, I'm so myself. That's why I love hanging out with him. I felt so me when i'm with him. Just wish to have more time with him. Really, he is the closest family to me compared to everyone. Love him for that.

Anyway, went to the concert my mum's been pestering all week. That's done. Sunday didn't go to church but spend the whole day with big brother and finally, Leanne. She doesn't like me. Oh no, don't want to hold my hand, don't want to do anything with me. That's so sad. Missed her first birthday and everything, she's really a one hard to please. But oh well, when she gets older, then probably I'll get to know her well and I hope I can be as close with her like me and Wilson. That's all I hope for. Not some formal and conservative thing going on like you have to be in your best behaviour. I don't want that. Anyway that's how I spend my weekend. Went to the shopping mall and just have a nice day with the family. And, I love love the family talk we had that night. Just me, my two brothers and my mum. I just like how I get to know their perspectives towards me. I really needed that because it helps me put into perspective and I know what i'm going through and what I need to get through. So it was all good.

It's been a roller coaster ride for me the past 2/3 weeks. Nothing but more things to discover. Learning each day as it comes.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Oh damn! It's been a month since i've blogged.
Oh well, here's the results:
Comparing Media Systems - 73
Net Communications - 75
Television, Lifestyle & Consumer Culture - 64
and the worst Internet Marketing - 56

Remember from the last post how stressed i was with my media systems and to tell you the truth, i'm really happy with it.

The one thing that I could have done much better is my Television, Lifestyle & Consumer Culture subject. It's actually very easy to get a high mark but because of my blogging assignment that I only rushed towards the end. That's why Tim only gave me a pass. Plus, the last assignment i was late :(

I guess this is the reason why i got a low mark for it.

Internet Marketing. Really. Made me really disappointed. I guess there's only 2 assignment and we only got a 65% for the first assignment. We didn't have the time and the teamwork to do it. But i couldn't really blame it because we got the idea but we couldn't put it in words. Exam is the one that is pushing my grades up but its not :( I guess I didn't have the time to do it and it's not enough.

Anyway that's that.
I'm happy with my net communications really. It's an interesting subject, had great group mates, so it's just good to get a good result like that! Plus, i was late for the last essay :( anyway, yes!

Same with Media Systems. I am really happy with it. It's really a hard subject to score but turn out that i'm alright with it! So that's good!

All i want to do is keep every subjects in the range of 65 above to the 70's. If I ever get an 80 and above, a H1, that's just a bonus really. I would be the happiest person alive!

Whole of november was a busy period for me. That's why I didn't get the chance to blog. Anyway it was a month full of stress, essays, exams and sweets. I gain so much weight last month. No wonder when now i'm back in Malaysia, everyone is saying that i've gained weight. So much pressure and just pure procrastination the whole time. Can't wait to just get over with everything.

Now, it's december! Everything's calmed down. Year 2 ended for me, got my results and i'm free from University for the moment but then it's no rest for me. Got myself an internship at JWT. That's another whole new experience.

I just hope in terms of university, I get to get the marks to study Masters. That's all i want to do right now.